All About Playstation 4 You Should Know For The Games

Palystation 4 Specification

Playstation 4 is the latest product from sony is certainly more sophisticated than what their sophistication playstation 3? let's see

Sony’s PlayStation 4 was first introduced on February 20, 2013, during a press conference the place the hardware capabilities and multimedia tech of the eighth era console were proven off along with the design of the new PS4 controller 

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PlayStation 4 Console Specs

AMD x86 Jaguar 1.6GHZ 8-Core

AMD next-generation Radeon-based graphics engine - The PlayStation 4 will reportedly be capable of producing up to 1.84 TFLOPS.

8GB of GDDR5 - The PlayStation 4 uses a unified 8 GB GDDR5 RAM setup (the current processing is speed unknown). The VRAM and OS RAM will share the memory pool.

However, it has been reported that the OS will have 3.5 gigs dedicated to its functions with the possibility of games getting a total of 5.5 gigs if needed. (4.5 native + 1 GB floating from OS)

Physical Media
Blu-ray Disk - 6x CAV Blu-ray BD-ROM + 8x CAV DVD

Storage - Hard Drive
500 GB Hard Drive - The PlayStation 4's hard drive will be upgradeable similar to how the PS3 is currently set up.

Game DVR
Yes - The PlayStation 4 will natively support the option to record and upload gameplay to friends or online streaming services using the built-in "Share" button. The PS4 will automatically record the last few minutes of gameplay for you so that you can easily pick what you want to upload.
It has its own compression system and will upload the content in the background while you continue playing. On August 20, 2013, Sony confirmed that Twitch will be available for all users for free whether they want to watch or broadcast gameplay from the PS4. There will also be 20 other video services on the console in addition to improvements for existing ones.

Cloud Storage
Yes - The PlayStation 4 will use a cloud-based storage system to collect all your account data and make it available anywhere you're signed in. Developers will also be able to change content using the cloud like the requirements for trophies or the environment in MMO-sized worlds.

USB Ports
Three - The PlayStation 4 uses three USB 3.0 ports for different companion devices in addition to a dedicated jack for the PS Eye.

Mandatory Game Installs
Yes - Game installations are mandatory on the PlayStation 4 with install times ranging from seconds to minutes. Gamers do not need to wait for the install to finish before being able to play the game. This was an optional feature on some PS3 games.

"Always Online"
No - The PlayStation 4 does not require an internet connection for playing games. However, syncing to PlayStation Now and accessing the PSN will obviously require internet access.

Console Home
Yes - Users can nominate one PS4 console to be their "home" device, which means all content will be available for anyone to use including PlayStation Plus access. Signing into a PSN account will not be necessary on a "home" console.

Used Game Fee
No - Sony currently has no plans to charge gamers additional fees for buying games used.

Backward Capcbility
No - The PlayStation 4 uses an entirely new architecture for processing game data, which makes it completely incompatible with past PlayStation games. However, with PlayStation Now's cloud-based streaming service, gamers will have access to PS1, PS2, and PS3 games.

Second Screen
PlayStation Vita, Smartphones, Tablets - Sony plans on releasing a PlayStation app shortly after the release of the PS4 that will allow games to be streamed onto any companion device capable of installing the app.
Users can make purchases in the PSN store, wake up their console, and install games with a secondary device. It can also be used to stream game content from friends as well as direct chat options.

Motion Control
PS Eye 2.0 + PS Move - The PlayStation 4 uses the newly redesigned PS Eye for motion tracking and information processing. The device can track players and deliver game information like low health to their controllers. The PS3's Move devices will be supported by the PS4.
All PS4s will also come pre-installed with Playroom, a virtual space that utilizes the PS Eye to interact with the environment.

Subscription Service
Yes - The PlayStation 4 requires a PlayStation Plus membership for access to online games. Single player games and games that can be played offline will not require a monthly subscription. PlayStation Now will also require a monthly fee (cost per month TBD).
Users can also sign into their account on any PS4 and access their library of games provided they download a portion of it first.

PSN Account
Transferable - Sony has confirmed existing PlayStation Plus accounts will carry over to the PS4.

Operating System
New - The PlayStation 4 will have a new OS and user interface at launch called the PlayStation Dynamic Menu. Users can instantly switch from playing a game to other social media options and even suspend gameplay to continue right away at a later time. It will no longer rely on the XrossMediaBar for navigation.

Internet Connection
Gigabit Ethernet + WiFi

Bluetooth 2.1 (EDR)

Audio/Video Connections
HDMI input and output (up to 4K resolution support) + Optical output - The PlayStation 4 will come packaged with a HDMI cable.

 The following information can be given. forward other info about the world of games


That was All About Playstation 4 You Should Know For The Games

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